Fujitsu Floppy Disk Adapter FD-A2 Driver Reviews

User Reviews and Ratings

Only reviews are shown below.  Ratings submitted without a review are used in calculating the total ratings shown above, but will be displayed below.

3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:

21 May 2004

Installation: 4 out of 5
Stability: 4 out of 5
Compatibility: 4 out of 5
"Can any one please tell me what to do after putting the floppy disk adapter in the floppy drive.

Thank You"

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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:

11 Dec 2003

Installation:  out of 5
Stability:  out of 5
Compatibility:  out of 5
"Need driver for windows 2000 or XP"
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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:

19 Nov 2003

Installation:  out of 5
Stability:  out of 5
Compatibility:  out of 5
"i need this for winXP!"
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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:

8 Oct 2003

Installation:  out of 5
Stability:  out of 5
Compatibility:  out of 5
"Driver for fd-a2, worked very well on my Win 98 system, easy to install and operate, many thanks. Still need the same driver that will operate in Win XP, can anyone help???"
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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:

9 Sep 2003

Installation:  out of 5
Stability:  out of 5
Compatibility:  out of 5
"download driver floppy disk adapter fd-a2"
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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:

29 Mar 2003

Installation:  out of 5
Stability:  out of 5
Compatibility:  out of 5
"id like to know if there is a driver for that adapter that works under windows xp thanks"
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