ESS Solo-1 PCI AudioDrive (WDM) Driver Reviews

User Reviews and Ratings

Only reviews are shown below.  Ratings submitted without a review are used in calculating the total ratings shown above, but will be displayed below.

3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Tested on Windows XP
9 Dec 2008
(1 week after download)

Installation: 3 out of 5
Stability:  out of 5
Compatibility: 2 out of 5
"This does not work with Windows XP. It might be the hardware itself. But it works with Windows 98."
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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Tested on Windows 2000 Professional
9 Jan 2008

Installation: 4 out of 5
Stability: 3 out of 5
Compatibility: 5 out of 5
"very good on an ole laptop"
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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Tested on Windows XP
22 Dec 2006

Installation: 4 out of 5
Stability: 4 out of 5
Compatibility: 4 out of 5
"Trabaja bien, con cpu bajo Xp Lite"
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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Christopher J. Spilker
Tested on Windows 98SE
9 May 2005

Installation: 3 out of 5
Stability: 1 out of 5
Compatibility: 1 out of 5
"This did NOT for me on an IBM Aptiva E-240, Machine 2158 desktop unit with the ESS Solo-1 ES1938S onboard microchip and Windows 98SE."
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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:

1 May 2003

Installation:  out of 5
Stability:  out of 5
Compatibility:  out of 5
"Thanks a million, thats a hard driver to find for win2k"
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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:

16 Oct 2002

Installation:  out of 5
Stability:  out of 5
Compatibility:  out of 5
"Thank U Very Much"
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3 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
joe kilburn
Tested on Windows 98SE
10 Nov 2007

Installation: 5 out of 5
Stability: 5 out of 5
Compatibility: 5 out of 5
"works better with win98se and for my dj apps no promblems"
Was this review helpful? Yes, it was helpful No, it was not helpful (Report this)

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Ratings & Reviews may be submitted after downloading and using or attempting to use the driver or firmware.

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