DriverGuide Privacy Policy

Effective on: 1 July 2016

iCentric Corporation has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for

1. Information that DriverGuide collects

DriverGuide gathers two basic types of information:

A. Information provided to DriverGuide

DriverGuide does not require user information to use the site and download files. However, in order to use some of the advanced features of DriverGuide, we ask you to register to become a member. During this member registration process, we will ask you for personally identifiable information such as your name, email address, zip or postalcode, country, gender, year of birth, skill level and password. DriverGuide uses the information it gathers for several purposes, such as to understand more about our audience demographics, and to communicate with you if necessary. DriverGuide may email its users periodically to inform them about the status of, or upcoming changes to the site, or to inform them about changes to our privacy policy. In addition, DriverGuide may email a user at any time regarding issues with his/her account.

Our registration form provides an option for receiving a member newsletter. Users who have selected this option may at any time opt-out of receiving newsletter mailings (see the Unsubscribe section below).

DriverGuide does not send promotional, or commercial emails to its users without permission. We do not and will never rent, sell, or in any way misuse the information you provide. No unsolicited email will ever be sent to our members. Members may at any time cancel their membership (see the Unsubscribe section below).

B. Information gathered by DriverGuide

When you visit DriverGuide and interact with the site, DriverGuide may collect information on your actions. This type of information is generally collected from two sources. One is from the server log files, which tracks your IP address, and the other is from cookies.

IP Address
Your IP address is a number that is assigned to your computer by your ISP (Internet Service Provider) to identify it. We use your IP address to identify any contributions you make to the site, such as uploads and messages, and to help diagnose problems with our server and to administer our Web site. We also sometimes use IP addresses to ban those members who are not complying with our terms of use.

A cookie is a small amount of text which your web browser stores in your computer’s hard drive or memory enabling a web site to "remember" you during and between site visits. Cookies are harmless. A cookie can’t read data off your hard drive. A cookie can’t read other cookies created by and for other sites. Most major sites, such as Yahoo and Amazon use cookies, and require cookies to access member content. We require cookies to access our members-only content. If you would like to know more about why we have this policy, see our cookie policy.

If you are not familiar with the use of cookies, cookies often contain anonymous preferences, such as the keywords you used in recent searches, the number of times you’ve visited our site, etc. Where appropriate these cookies can also contain information which identify you to our server for the purposes of access authentication and personalization. For example, on our site, your username is encrypted and securely placed in a cookie so that we know you have permission to access the member portion of our site, and, when you return to our site and are asked to log in, we decrypt the cookie to prefill the login form. If you would like to read more about what cookies are, how they work, etc., we suggest the Cookie Wikipedia Page.

For those concerned about cookies, you can configure your web browser to accept all cookies, reject all cookies, notify you when a cookie is set, etc. Each browser is different, so check the "Help" menu of your browser to learn how to change your cookie preferences. If you reject all cookies, you will not be able to use We ask instead that you allow the use of cookies on our site.

2. Third Parties Collecting Email Addresses


3. Public Forums

This site makes forums, message boards, and/or news groups available to its users. Please remember that any information that is disclosed in these areas becomes public information and you should exercise caution when deciding to disclose your personal information or email address.

4. User Contributed Content

All of the user contributed content of this site, including files, posts, comments, and ratings is the property of iCentric Corporation, and is protected under copyright. None of the material may be reproduced without our written permission, with the exception of downloading or printing a single copy for yourself for offline viewing.

iCentric Corporation reserves the right to republish the material contributed by our users. By posting a message, you expressly grant the right to iCentric Corporation to republish or sell the message as part of our edited compilations or otherwise. We’ll provide proper attribution to the author for any post we republish.

Users must not contribute material that is copyrighted, or that have licenses prohibiting redistribution. Users violating these terms shall be immediately and permanently banned from the site, and their identity may be revealed to appropriate authorities.

5. Security

This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. This site maintains dedicated servers with restricted access. This site encrypts all user information that is stored.

6. Unsubscribe

This site gives subscribed users the option of unsubscribing. Doing so removes their information from our database, halts their ability to login, and prohibits us from contacting them in the future. Users can unsubscribe by clicking on the unsubscribe link.

7. Correct/Update Personal Information

This site gives users the option of changing and modifying information previously provided. You can give us corrections/updates via our Feedback Form.

8. Notification of changes to the privacy statement

In the event of a material change to the privacy policy, registered DriverGuide users shall be notified by email. In addition, notices will be posted throughout the DriverGuide site.

9. How to Contact Us

If you have questions about this Privacy Policy or anything else about DriverGuide, you can contact us by using our Feedback Form

Or by physical mail at:
c/o iCentric Corporation
6601 Center Drive West, Suite 500
Los Angeles, CA 90045, USA

10. Reporting Abuse

To report email abuse, please use our Feedback Form

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