DriverGuide Free

DriverGuide is the best, largest, and most trusted driver, firmware, and support website. Tens of millions use our site every year to solve their PC problems. We are firmly committed to keeping DriverGuide a free site.

Included with DriverGuide Free Membership

  • Access our complete driver database
  • New drivers added every day
  • Over 6,000 manufacturers
  • Unlimited driver downloads
  • Personalization Features

DriverGuide employs a team of techs from around the world to continually upload new, popular, and hard to find drivers and firmware into our archive. With their diligent work, our archive grows by hundreds of new drivers and firmware every month. They also help to build and maintain our existing database of company records, device records, and much of the other vital but behind-the-scenes data that allows you to search and browse your way to the driver you need. They also help to patrol the various community features, including the driver comments and driver request boards.

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