The Radix Protector is a device manufactured by Radix Technologies. Visitors have downloaded this file "" 44 times with an aggregate rating of 4 out of 5 stars based on 7 reviews. Compatibility for this driver update includes PCs running Windows operating systems such as Windows XP. The total disk space used for this update is 4.4 MB.
Radix Protector
Windows 2003, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT4, Windows NT3.51, Windows ME, Windows 98SE, Windows 98, Windows 95, Windows 3.1
DriverGuide (DG Staff Member) on 11-Sep-2003
To get the Radix Protector driver, click the green download button above. After you complete your download, move on to Step 2.
If the driver listed is not the right version or operating system, search our driver archive for the correct version. Enter Radix Technologies Radix Protector into the search box above and then submit. In the results, choose the best match for your PC and operating system.
Tech Tip: If you are having trouble deciding which is the right driver, try the Driver Update Utility for Radix Technologies Radix Protector. It is a software utility which automatically finds and downloads the right driver.
Installing your newly downloaded driver is a straightforward process. Windows provides a dedicated tool called Device Manager for this purpose. Follow these steps to update your driver:
Access the Quick Access menu by right-clicking the Start button.
From the menu options, choose "Device Manager".
Within Device Manager, identify the device requiring the driver update.
Open the context menu for the device by right-clicking its name.
Select "Update driver" and proceed through the guided installation.
To complete the process, reboot your computer. This ensures the new driver is fully integrated into your system.
Regular driver updates contribute to optimal system performance and hardware compatibility.
Tech Tip: Driver downloads and updates come in a variety of file formats with different file extensions. For example, you may have downloaded an EXE, INF, ZIP, or SYS file. Each file type has a slighty different installation procedure to follow.
For more help, visit our Driver Support Page for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.
The following files are found inside the driver download file.
Name | Size | Date |
Radix.inf | 885 bytes | 29 Sep 2002 |
service.exe | 271.2 KB | 26 Sep 2002 |
ProtectorClient.exe | 1.6 MB | 23 Sep 2002 |
ProtectorServer.exe | 2.5 MB | 23 Sep 2002 |