How to Export Chrome Bookmarks

If you are a Chrome user, and want to switch to another browser but still retain all of your bookmarks, you do not need to manually re-enter them. Will will show you how easy it is to export your Chrome bookmarks to a file that can be used to import them into another browser like Edge, Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, and more. It will save you a lot of time if you ever decide to switch to a different browser.

  1. In Chrome, click on the ellipses (three vertical dots) on the far-right side of the address bar. From the menu, click on "Bookmarks" and it will expand a sub-menu, where you can select "Bookmark Manager."

    How to Export Chrome Bookmarks - Image 1

  2. The Bookmark Manager will open:

    How to Export Chrome Bookmarks - Image 2

  3. Click on the ellipses (three vertical dots) button on the far-right of the blue "Bookmarks" search bar:

    How to Export Chrome Bookmarks - Image 3

  4. From the menu, click on "Export Bookmarks":

    How to Export Chrome Bookmarks - Image 4

  5. You will see a "Save As" dialogue box, allowing you to select where to save the exported bookmarks file, and what to name it. Take note of where the file will be saved, as seen in the address bar at the top, and you can change the location if desired. Click "Save" once you are ready to save the file. The file will be saved as an ".html" file.

    How to Export Chrome Bookmarks - Image 5

How to Export Chrome Bookmarks - Image 4

Now that you have an exported .html file which can be used to import into another browser, such as Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, or others. Every browser should have a method for importing bookmarks from a file, so now you can easily switch to another browser and still retain all of your bookmarks.

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