LG LM-I56N Driver Reviews

LG LM-I56N Automatic Driver Update Utility

User Reviews and Ratings

Only reviews are shown below.  Ratings submitted without a review are used in calculating the total ratings shown above, but will be displayed below.

4 of 5 people found the following review helpful:

21 Apr 2008

Installation:  out of 5
Stability:  out of 5
Compatibility:  out of 5
"Não funcionou para minha placa."
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4 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
Tested on Windows XP
5 Sep 2007

Installation: 5 out of 5
Stability: 5 out of 5
Compatibility: 5 out of 5
"El Driver trababaja muy bien!!!

Driver is OK! ... works!!"

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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Tested on Windows XP
15 Nov 2008

Installation:  out of 5
Stability:  out of 5
Compatibility: 1 out of 5
"Didn't work for me"
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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Tested on Windows XP
11 Sep 2008
(1 hour after download)

Installation:  out of 5
Stability:  out of 5
Compatibility:  out of 5
"Modem was a netodragon, not LG as Everest show."
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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Tested on Windows XP
29 Oct 2007

Installation: 2 out of 5
Stability:  out of 5
Compatibility: 1 out of 5
"no xp não funfa / in xp systems not work"
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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Tested on Windows XP
10 Jan 2007

Installation: 1 out of 5
Stability: 1 out of 5
Compatibility: 1 out of 5
"Este driver não funciona para o dispositivo especificado."
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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Tested on Windows XP
15 Nov 2006

Installation: 4 out of 5
Stability: 4 out of 5
Compatibility: 4 out of 5
"Thanks, working fine."
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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:

18 Aug 2006

Installation:  out of 5
Stability:  out of 5
Compatibility:  out of 5
"tentar de novo. o xp num da mole"
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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Jorge Costa de Araujo
Tested on Windows XP
6 Aug 2006

Installation: 3 out of 5
Stability: 3 out of 5
Compatibility: 4 out of 5
"Foi muito difícil encontrar este drive"
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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Tested on Windows XP
28 Feb 2006

Installation: 3 out of 5
Stability: 1 out of 5
Compatibility: 1 out of 5
"Didnt work. D/l'ed another from DG and that work great."
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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:

27 Feb 2006

Installation:  out of 5
Stability:  out of 5
Compatibility:  out of 5
"drive is ok...work"
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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Lídio Pereira
Tested on Windows XP
13 Sep 2005

Installation: 5 out of 5
Stability: 5 out of 5
Compatibility: 5 out of 5
"The most beautiful driver does exist here."
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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:

27 Oct 2004

Installation:  out of 5
Stability:  out of 5
Compatibility:  out of 5
"i really need the drivers


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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:

31 Jul 2004

Installation: 5 out of 5
Stability: 5 out of 5
Compatibility: 5 out of 5
"Exatamente o drive que procurava.

Simples e fácil de encontrar na página."

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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:

15 Dec 2003

Installation: 1 out of 5
Stability:  out of 5
Compatibility: 1 out of 5
"I got an LM-I56N and I'm running Windows XP. My client lost it's modem CD, and this one didn't install with this modem here. I forced, but the modem wouldn't answer."
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4 of 6 people found the following review helpful:

7 Nov 2007

Installation:  out of 5
Stability:  out of 5
Compatibility:  out of 5
"works fine windows xp sp2"
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4 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
Tested on Windows 95a (osr1)
10 Oct 2007

Installation: 2 out of 5
Stability: 3 out of 5
Compatibility: 2 out of 5
"ok for me tks fo all"
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