The K8N Neo4 Platinum (PCB 1.0) is a common computer motherboard manufactured by MSI. Update now to fix problems such as frequent crashing, computer shuts off unexpectedly, no audio or no video, or a blank screen on start up. This driver - "" - has been downloaded 34 times and is rated 5 out of 5 stars based on 6 reviews. Compatibility for this driver update includes PCs running Windows operating systems such as Windows XP. The total disk space used for this update is 10.2 MB.
K8N Neo4 Platinum (PCB 1.0)
NVIDIA Network Bus Enumerator
NVIDIA nForce Networking Controller
NVIDIA nForce PCI System Management
NVIDIA nForce(tm) RAID Class Controller
NVIDIA nForce(tm) RAID Class Device
NVIDIA nForce4 Intel® Edition Serial ATA Controller
NVIDIA nForce4 Intel® Edition Serial ATA RAID Controller
Windows XP, Windows 2000
5.10.2600.0552 (2005-08-18) via .inf
4.5.0 (2005-05-13) via .inf
5.1.2600.0450 (2005-05-13) via .inf
4.8.2 (2005-04-06) via .inf
K8N Neo4 Platinum (PCB 1.0)
Socket 939 (AMD K8)
NVIDIAฎ nForce4 Ultra
NVIDIA nForce4 System Drivers
For Win200/XP system
Ethernet NRM driver version 4.82 (WHQL)
Network management tools
SMBus driver version 4.5(WHQL) with updated uninstaller files
Installer version 4.93
Win2K IDE PATARAID driver version 5.52
Win2K IDE SATARAID driver version 5.52 (WHQL)
Win2K IDE SATA_IDE driver version 5.52 (WHQL)
Win2K RAIDTOOL application version 5.52
WinXP IDE PATARAID driver version 5.52
WinXP IDE SATARAID driver version 5.52 (WHQL)
WinXP IDE SATA_IDE driver version 5.52 (WHQL)
WinXP RAIDTOOL application version 5.52
Kesavan (DG Staff Member) on 6-Nov-2006