The MEGA 180 is a network device manufactured by MSI. Issues like weak Wi-Fi signal, slow DNS lookup, duplicate IP addresses, slow network and excessive CPU usage can be solved by updating this driver. This version of "" is rated (5 out of 5 stars) based on 620 downloads and 6 reviews. It has been installed successfully by our users on PCs running Windows XP. The total disk space used for this update is 11.8 MB.
MEGA 180
IEEE 802.11b CardBus Wireless Network Adapter
IEEE 802.11b MiniPCI Wireless Network Adapter
IEEE 802.11b PCI Wireless Network Adapter
IEEE 802.11g MiniPCI Wireless Network Adapter
IEEE 802.11g USB 2.0 Wireless Network Adapter
IEEE802.11 Multiband Wireless Cardbus Adapter
IEEE802.11b Wireless Cardbus Adapter
Windows XP, Windows 95
This Software is an 802.11 wireless station in Cardbus/miniPCI/PCI/USB interface. The software will install the MSI WlanUtility/APUtility and driver to user computer. The supported OS contains Windows XP.
Release Date:2004-2-11
Jayakumar (DG Staff Member) on 5-Jun-2004